Management of Foot Deformity in Cerebral Palsy

Management of Foot Deformity in Cerebral Palsy: A consensus scoping workshop on assessment and theoretical mechanisms.

Deadline for applications is 27th September 2024

Dear CMAS members,

We would like to let you know about an exciting event taking place later this year.

A minimum of one space is available for a representative from each CMAS laboratory.  

Management of Foot Deformity in Cerebral Palsy- A consensus scoping workshop on assessment and theoretical mechanisms

Thursday December 5th December 2024

Location: Keele University Campus

This event is a collaboration between the clinical teams in Oswestry and Oxford, supported by national and international academic partners and the Clinical Movement Analysis Society of UK and Ireland (CMAS).  Funding is being provided by Action Medical Research as part of a larger research grant.

The day will include keynote lectures from the hosting teams and partners, along with group discussions.  Topics covered will include:-

  • Current understanding of mechanisms of foot deformity in CP
  • Assessing the foot in the gait laboratory
  • Applications of imaging and musculoskeletal modelling to foot deformity in CP
  • Key priorities for future research

By reviewing current knowledge, recent research and clinical best practice we hope to:-

  1. review and summarise our collective understanding of the mechanisms of foot deformity in CP and how best to assess it,
  2. investigate the potential for translation of innovative methodologies and
  3. establish priorities for future research.

40 free places are available and we are now open for applications.  We want to create a balanced group from different centres and professional backgrounds so we will distribute places at the beginning of October and let applicants know.

To apply please email [email protected] giving the following information by Friday the 27th September 2024.

  • Name and contact details
  • Current employer(s) and job role
  • Clinical professional registration (if any)
  • Are you employed in a CMAS accredited gait laboratory (please specify)?
  • Are you a member of any relevant clinical society eg BSSCP, BSCOS, CMAS, ESMAC, BOFAS?
  • Please give a brief statement of why you would like to participate in the workshop, including any relevant work you have undertaken in this area.

Sent on behalf of

Caroline Stewart, Senior Bioengineer/ORLAU Manager,
Laura Haythorn, Course Organiser, Orthopaedic Institute
& CMAS Committee